Sunday, October 3, 2010

Who Am I??

This weekend I took the Enneagram Test and found out what personality this test showed I am.  According to this test I am a type 1:  Perfectionism, which I had never put together as being me until I took the quiz.  When I started to think about this as being my one main personality trait it really truly did not seem to fit. There are things such as trying to stay organized and/or do something right the first time I do it but that was all that I could come up with that would fit the description of being a perfectionism. The other two personality traits that I scored high on were type 2;  helpfulness and type 6; anxiety.  I have always leaned towards being helpful and putting someone first before myself.  That is just how I was raised in my family and that is who we are, our needs would come last after everyone else was taken care of.  Anxiety is a trait that unfortunately is a part of my personality.  I tend to worry about others too much and in certain situations I tend to think the worst possible scenarios are going to happen, but hope that they never come true.  This has been a part of my personality that I have tried to rein in and just try to go with the flow.  I just need to remember to accept things as they happen and make the best of it and try to control only the things I have control over. 


  1. It seems like a lot of us got type 1: Perfectionism so a lot of us can probably relate.

  2. I am a little surprised at how many people in this class got type 1 as their top result. I can relate to the helpfulness and anxiety being in the top 3 as well.

  3. I'll agree with you both I had no idea that there was going to be so many type 1 results. I guess it just goes to show that we are more alike than any of us think.

  4. It's really wild how these things get dispersed. Last semester I had a bunch of sevens.

    Having a bunch of ones in class explains why so many of you turn in your homework at least. ;)

  5. I think that by talking to you the last couple of weeks I can see the type 1 in you. It is strange how some things like this can be so accurate or close and it makes one think about it.
