Thursday, September 9, 2010

Those Good Ole' Bananas

Remember when you were in elementary school when you did the adding and subtracting, and creating those crazy art projects (that somehow have been able to stay together all these years) and at the end of the day you head home to your afternoon snack that either your mom or dad would put out for you?  What would those snacks be?  In my family both my sister and I would usually come home to a banana for each of us.  not until now did I realize what all a banana can do for you, the history of how the banana became the banana of today and how it can even keep you safe.
The banana, which was first recognized around 4,000 years ago in Malaysia, was thought of at first as a dessert.  However, after soon finding out it never needed to be chilled, many more became transported and it quickly became a staple food.  The yellow banana that we eat today was actually the outcome of an experiment that a banana farmer decided to do by mixing his own green bananas to the already cooking bananas.  As for taking care of our bodies, researchers believe that the banana is able to help resist some diseases and to give out defensive vaccines.  So when thinking about what snack we should have today, maybe go with a banana.  In the long run it is much more healthy than a sugary cookie!


  1. I've got to say that bananas are one of my favorite fruits. :)

  2. I have to agree with connie, bananas are great. I also actually learned something from your blog lol unlike other peoples

  3. Yea I agree bananas are the best!! And I did learn a lot too on doing this blog. There is a lot more to bananas than I ever thought there would be.

  4. Your parents were really looking out for you.
